• Matt_s Swirls

PSE Mentoring Program

*Coming soon - PSE Alumni Mentoring webpage. For communication use alumnimentoring@gmail.com


Sample Mentoring Schedule

The peer mentoring program exists to assist students in Polymer Science and Engineering (PSE) department throughout their time in graduate school. These responsibilities are twofold and encompass (a) guiding incoming students through their transition into the rigorous graduate program and the major milestones of the first year and (b) providing academic, professional, and personal development opportunities for students at all levels of study. We strive to create a supportive, inclusive, and structured environment for graduate students to access UMass and PSE resources and network with fellow PSE students and faculty.

2023-2024 Mentoring Committee: mcommittee@mail.pse.umass.edu

First-Year Mentoring Committee

Senior Student Committee

PSE Alumni Mentoring Committee: psealumnimentoring@gmail.com,

Mentoring Committee Members

  • Piril Ertem '11
  • Marcus Cole '14
  • Huyen Vu '16